Join in our festival by enjoying short films that tell stories of leading characters in Welsh history. From the Celts to the Tudors; the Welsh Princes to the First World War, there is something for everyone – with more than 20 videos available!
Pedr Ap Llwyd yn Holi William Morgan
Jennifer Jones yn Holi Syr Ifan Ap Owen Edwards
Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel to ensure you can enjoy all of our content. Browse the playlist that's best for you and let us know what you think on our social media channels. @GwylHanesFest
The films are available in English or Welsh, with many of them also available with British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation and captions.

Lord Rhys music video
Owain Glyndŵr music video
Llywelyn the Last music video
With thanks to all our supporters who worked with us to create these short films: Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales; Snowdonia National Park Authority; Barry Making Waves; Cadw; Clwydian Range and Dee Valley and Pontcysyllte Heritage Fund; Good Company; The National Library of Wales; In Character; Tinopolis; National Center for Learning Welsh