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Privacy Policy


The Children’s Festival of Welsh History takes your privacy very seriously.


This privacy policy sets out what information the Children’s Festival of Welsh History (We) collect about you, for what purpose, how we store it and use it, and also how you can talk to us about it.


About us


The Children’s Festival of Welsh History is a not-for profit company, no 09486158. We are based at Underhill House, Llansteffan, Carmarthen, Dyfed, SA33 5JG


What information do we collect?


There are several ways in which we collect information about you:


• When you contact Children’s Festival of Welsh History directly by phone, e-mail or otherwise

• When you take part in a Children’s Festival of Welsh History project or workshop

  • When you buy tickets to see a Children’s Festival of Welsh History show via Third Party Booking Agent or venue

  • When you buy an item from Children’s Festival of Welsh History via our website or a Third Party Retailer

• When you book a Children’s Festival of Welsh History event or performance

• When you supply us with feedback about your Children’s Festival of Welsh History experience

  • We may get information about your organisation from third parties (such as the Department for Education and Skills) who release data into the public domain.


We collect personal information that you provide to us which may include; name, address, postcode, email, telephone number and age.


We also collect & profile your preference for a type of activity, if you are an audience member, a venue, an arts organisation, if you attend workshops, if you commission a project, or if you give funding to Children’s Festival of Welsh History


If you participate in a Children’s Festival of Welsh History project or attend an event, we may collect evaluation data from you. It is your choice to add your name or keep it anonymous.


We use Google Analytics to analyse the use of our website. Google Analytics gathers information about website use by means of cookies. You can view and control cookies in your web browser using the privacy settings in your browser.


How do we use this information?


Developing a better understanding of people who we work with, watch our shows and who support us by booking our shows, allows us to make better decisions about our work and communicate more efficiently.


We use your personal contact information to communicate directly with you, with information which we think will be of interest to you. This may at times include information from organisations who we are working in partnership with.


We use your feedback from our activities to evaluate the activity, assess quality and to improve and develop Children’s Festival of Welsh History.


We use statistical data from our social media platforms & Google Analytics to track the effectiveness of our marketing and how our website is used.


We use anonymised information to create reports for funders and partners and to help us fundraise for Children’s Festival of Welsh History’s future. This includes but is not limited to geographical, age, social and economic reports.


We use anonymised information to create reports to measure how effective our marketing is and to understand more about how people like to book our work.


We use information you give us in order to fulfil a request you have made to us which may include sending you information about our company and services.


How do we share your information?


We do not sell, rent or share personal data to third parties for the purpose of marketing.


Legitimate Interests


The term ‘legitimate interests’ applies to the business interests that we as an organisation have in collecting, holding and processing your personal data. These do not supersede your personal rights and interests.


Our legitimate interests are:

• Direct marketing to you, ensuring you are aware of Children’s Festival of Welsh History’s productions, projects, activity and opportunities and that the marketing is relevant to you.

• Maintaining a relationship with you if you are an artist, venue, partner organisation, participant, donor, funder, stakeholder, media, community group, education centre or business.




We take photographs at our shows and events to showcase our work, the stunning locations, beautiful audience and participants!


Photography is a part of our ‘legitimate interests’ to market our company and work.


Here are the most common ways in which we use our photographs.

• On our website

• On our Social Media

• In Press

• In reports to stakeholder and funders


All images are stored on our secure, password protected network. It can only be accessed by staff who have a legitimate business need. The latest released updates from our software and network providers are applied to our systems which ensure their continued security. However, no company or system can guarantee complete security as this can be affected by unknown, outside factors.




A child is anyone under the age of 18. 


We do not collect personal information of children under the age of 18 at the time of booking events or activities with us.


We may collect personal contact information from a child if they are part of an ongoing project or activity. Consent will be obtained from the parent or carer of the child at the time of collecting this data, and the consent will cover the terms of collection, holding and processing the information. The terms of consent and information on the use of the data will also be fully explained to the child. This will also fully comply with Children’s Festival of Welsh History’s Child Safeguarding Policy.


We collect evaluation data from children who take part in our events. This data is then anonymised and used to create statistical reports and to improve the quality of our activities. Permission to collect this data is obtained from either the parent/carer or the school, when acting ‘in loco parentis’.


How is my information stored?

Your personal information is stored on our secure, password protected network. It can only be accessed by staff who have a legitimate business need. The latest released updates from our software and network providers are applied to our systems which ensure their continued security. However, no company or system can guarantee complete security as this can be affected by unknown, outside factors.


How long will my data be stored for?

We will keep your personal data for as long as it is relevant and appropriate to our legitimate business uses as outlined above. We believe it is reasonable to contact subscribers every 5 years, to share with them our privacy policy, so that individuals can re-evaluate how and why their data is held by us.


What are my options? What rights do I have to access, change or remove your information?

You do not have to provide your personal contact information to us, but do please be mindful there may be instances that may hinder our ability to provide the service to you.


You do not have to provide us with evaluation data, and if you do, you can anonymise it.


You have the right to a copy of the information we have collected from you. Additionally, you are entitled to have inaccurate personal data rectified or destroyed.


You have the right to remove your personal information by ‘opting out’ at any time, by either clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of marketing emails or by contacting us in any of the following ways:


Call on: 0789 138 3392 or

Write to: Children’s Festival of Welsh History Underhill House, Llansteffan, Carmarthen, Dyfed, SA33 5JG


We welcome any amendments you may suggest. It is our obligation to keep any data we collect as accurate as reasonably possible and in accordance with GDPR regulations

Go to to find out more about your individual rights.


Change in Policy


We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any significant changes in the way we treat your personal information, we will make this clear on the Children’s Festival of Welsh History website.


How can I complain?


If you have any questions or would like to lodge a complaint about our use of your personal data, you can contact us on 0789 138 3392 or


You may also contact the Information Commissioners Office at or 0303 123 1113.


Monday 9th September - Friday 25th October

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